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Executive Club Deluxe

Indulge in exclusive privileges!

Indulge in absolute luxury with the latest facilities available at your fingertips! Wi-Fi facilities within a comfortable working space are available in case you need to catch up on business assignments. For entertainment, switch on the TV and flip through international channels to find your favourite shows. Simply enjoy the spacious, bright interiors or even hang out on the balcony overlooking the picturesque golf course. Experience nothing but the best as you choose to stay at the Executive Club Deluxe Panorama Room at our premier hotel near Kuala Lumpur.

size 32 sqm
occupancy 2 Adults
beds super King-sized
Air conditioning
Tea/coffee making facilities
In-room Wi-Fi Access
Iron and ironing board
  • Workspace / Desk
  • In-room slippers
  • Coffee / Tea
  • Toiletries
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